Retd. Brigadier Satpal Singh Dahiya tears into the modus Operandi of the Deep State.
Defense and Security Expert Retd. Brigadier Satpal Singh Dahiya while elaborating the impact of the Deep State in India and Bangladesh, during a tête-à-tête with Senior Journalist Nitish Kumar, said that the idea of the Deep State has always been to destabilize the incumbent Indian Government under Narendra Modi as India has taken a leap in terms of industrial development, business, research and many other fields. India, according to Brigadier Dahiya has emerged to be in the forefront globally.
Brig. Dahiya says: “The agenda of the deep state is to stop the democratically elected government so that it ceases to perform on the international arena. The Deep state does it on purpose based on ideology to promote the interest of the home country. The American deep state focuses on promoting the interest of the pharmaceutical industry, military industrial complex, petrochemical industry, financial sector within the country and globally as well so that the US Multinational companies take a giant leap globally and can operate across the globe exploiting the resources and make maximum profits”.
While talking of the regime change in Bangladesh and its impact on India, Brigadier Dahiya says: “They brought in Mohd Yunus who was a banker and had links with the deep state of USA. He (Mohd Yunus) is believed to be very close to the Clintons, Clinton Foundation which is supposed to be a part of the deep state. He (Mohd Yunus) is close to George Soros, Open Society and the Ford Foundation apart from being close to Former US president Barkat Hussain Obama and all such people wish to see a destabilized and a weaker India.”
“With money and support openly coming in for Mohd Yunus, arms power, money power and muscle power too were put in by the US deep state through ISI and other Islamic organizations to promote Mohd Yunus to the highest position in Bangladesh”, he said.
While continuing his talks on the deep state and its nexus. Brigadier Dahiya claimed that the incidents in Canada on the killing of Khalistan terrorist was also a part of the deep state design. He says: “The exercise to tarnish the image so that people have no faith on them and pressurize the government of India. Otherwise, there were many other ways in which Nijjar and Pannun could have been eliminated. If they are harming Indian Interests, they could be eliminated by anyone who would not even be remotely related to the government. There are million other ways. Even the deep state knows it. They are cooking up stories and planting them in the media to tarnish our (India’s) image globally so that pressure can be built from several quarters”.
While talking about India’s global feat in business and industrialization Brigadier Dahiya claims that Adani has been also a victim of the deep state. He says: “The question is why targeting Adani and most pertinently why now? Because Adani is probably one of the businessmen who is in the forefront of promoting Indian Interest globally. He is making ports in the Middle East, building infrastructure in Australia, making ports, airstrips globally and many others. He has been creating a lot of strategic infrastructure for India at the behest of the Indian government. The deep state is worried with the sudden growth of an Indian businessman posing challenges to the business fraternity of the US.”
“The deep state cannot withstand the sudden emergence of India on the global platform, becoming a challenge to the US players like what China has become today,” he said.
While talking about toolkits, Brigadier Dahiya says: “It is a clear-cut interference into the internal matters of India. As they have done during the Lok Sabha Elections when the tool kits were out. These tool kits were basically there to influence the minds of the voters as well to create a radical divide amongst the communities in India so that the Narendra Modi government is discredited and can be prevented from a comeback. Because the deep state in some way is linked or aligned or support the main opposition party that is the Congress which also has its alleged linkages in the foreign lands through its leadership as well through financial linkages.
According to Brigadier Dahiya, social media too, is an important part of the deep state functioning. He says: “When round the clock data is churned out by around forty crore of Indian population and their data is available to the people in the US and through them as a coronary to the deep state. That data is used for what purpose? Firstly, to subvert a group or groups of people against the state. They study the mindset of the people who have access to the internet and select the people and keep pumping with messages and information and slowly over a period of time subvert the voters and the people away from the state and make them disbelieve their own state”